Expert Repeat SoH Sin
Ok so I dont know if anyone else here has tried using it but, i took 2 build ideas and mixed it into one. works fairly well in RA's for me, and its fun to annoy people with (if you got time to keep a match going)
the combo is between 2 wiki builds (SoH sin and expert repeat sin)
12+1+3 expertise
10 dagger mastery
8 shadow arts
armor- armor +10 (while in stance) for everything
weaps- zealous daggers of fortitude +15% while in stance
1]leaping mantis sting
2]fox fangs/jungle strike
3]repeating strike
4]optional (dual attack or i like to bring a second lead attack as a back up)
5]escape {elite}
6]Shadow of haste
7]shadow refuge
8]res sig
shadow of haste before you go into a mob of people. pick your target and run through skills 1-3 spam repeating stike until it fails or you're short HP (in which case tele out). if it fails you can run through your leads again or whatever. energy is no issue with zealous weaps and 16 expertise
If you find yourself in a pickle use escape to cancel SoH and tele back to a safer place and use refuge and the same time. note that you move 10% faster (than you did with SoH) and you have a better evasion rate with escape on.
works very well on that rare situation where you're the last player left on your team and you're 1 win away from a glad point you can outrun any other build. or if you just like running around a level and pissing people off.
-wild strike/blow, will cancel your SoH and/or escape if they hit.
- you can't out run degen, it hurts
- Lava Level (if the timers up... it's up) no use for running
- guardian or evasion stances will block/evade repeat strike (if you see guardian just wait 5 seconds til you use repeat strike again)
NightFall Variants
I'm going to have alot of fun when it comes out because certain skills look awesome to add to the build such as:
Feigned Neutrality
Enchantment Spell. Enchantment Spell. For 5...13 seconds, you have +7 Health regeneration and +80 armor. This Enchantment ends if you successfully hit with an attack or use a Skill
Fox's Promise
Elite Enchantment Spell. For 5...17 seconds, your attacks cannot be "blocked" or "evaded." This Enchantment ends the next time you fail to hit.
anyways, go ahead with questions, comments, tweaks and even flames. whatever floats your boat